Sgt Moses Wood,
1st Batt, Gordon Highlanders
Moses Wood
was born at 66 High Street Stonehaven, Kincardineshire on 7th November
1883 the son of fisherman, George Wood and his wife Elizabeth. On
leaving school he engaged in farm work and in the Census of 1901
Moses is found in the Bothy at Newmains of Fetteresso.

A pre 1914 photo of Pte Moses Wood in tropical uniform, possibly taken c 1905.
In 1904,
aged 21, he joined The Gordon Highlanders and saw service in India
and Egypt. On leaving the army, probably after seven years with
the colours, Corporal Wood found employment with the General Post
Office and it was this work which brought him to Kennethmont.
A popular man in the district he had been working as a postman in
Kennethmont for some time when he was recalled to the army following
the outbreak of war in August 1914. Being an experienced soldier he
spent three months drilling recruits at Aberdeen, being promoted to
the rank of Sergeant, before leaving for the Front on 17th December
1914 to join the 1st Batt, Gordon Highlanders.

The 1st Gordons
had been alternating between billets at La Clytte and front line trenches
near Vierstraat since
January 1915 being relieved by the 2nd Suffolk Regiment. The battalion
received new drafts at the beginning and end of January. On 27th January
166 men arrived at the front with " very little training ".
From the 1st
Gordons 1915 War Diary
1915, Blue Balmoral bonnets issued replacing the Glengarry, but not
to be worn in trenches until Khaki covers arrived; too conspicuous.
- moved up to trenches near Vierstraat
26/2 - Heavy mist in morning which cleared about midday. Hostile artillery
again shelled K2 ( name of trench) but did no material damage. One
Sgt and one Pte killed by rifle fire. Inter company reliefs took place
at night without casualty.
Sergeant killed on 26th February was, without doubt, Moses Wood. He
was struck in the head by a rifle bullet as he got out of a dugout
or shelter. It is quite likely that Moses and the private who also
died that day were victims of an enemy sniper. During the early months
of 1915 the Vierstratat section of the front was relatively quiet.
New arrivals unaccustomed to trench duties, which involved moving
about bent double and avoiding the temptation to look over the parapet,
did not often get a second chance if they provided the slightest target
for an enemy sniper. It is known they were active in the area at the
time and most often their unfortunate victims received a head wound.
Records show that only two men from 1GH died that day. The other man was 3/5916 Pte Wiliam Gray of Methlick.
section of Voormezeele Cemetery where
Moses and Pte Gray are buried was created after the Armistice by concentrating burials
from battlefield cemeteries in the surrounding area. Moses will have
been originally buried by his comrades to the rear of the front and
the grave clearly marked with his name, service number and unit details.

Click image
for full size view
It was the practice of the time to commemorate a death on a Memorial
or Death Card.
The card was folded, the inside and front are shown above. It bears
a picture of Moses and details of his death and a verse.
They would have been given to family members and friends.
following accounts are from local newspapers of the time.
Mar 11th 1915
Baird's Tribute to His Men
Gordon Killed
Intimation has been received by Rev. D. G. Barron, minister
of Dunnottar, from Major Walter Baird commanding the Gordon
Highlanders, and son of Sir Alexander Baird of Urie, intimating
the death in action of Sergeant M. Wood, of the 1st Gordon
Highlanders, on February 26. Major Baird in his letter wrote:--
Sergeant Wood was in the trenches with his company, and was
struck on the forehead with a bullet just as he was getting
out of a dug-out. He was quite unconscious and suffered no
pain. I would be glad if you would tell his father how deeply
grieved I am at the loss of one who was a gallant man and
a good soldier. We have a little band of men from Stonehaven
serving under my command and in this Battalion. How I wish
there were more, but I dare say a great number have gone to
the Territorials, or else the new army battalions. This is
a rather trying time, but it would be much more so if one
had not got such a splendid lot of men as I have under me.
I hope some day I may see you and the old town again but there
is much to be done and gone through before that day comes.
Very Sincerely, Walter Baird.
following has been received by Sergeant Wood's father from
his Captain :--
Dear Sir :-- I very much regret to tell you that your son,
No. 9630, Sergeant M. Wood, was killed in action on the February
26, while the battalion was on duty in the trenches. He was
shot through the head by a rifle bullet, and died about 15
minutes later. I am sending you all he had on him at the time,
also his small book. Your son was a gallant non-commissioned
officer, and I very much regret losing him.
I buried him myself in the evening, and his grave is distinctly
marked by a wooden cross, marked with his regimental number
and name.
Please accept my deepest sympathy."
Yours faithfully
L. Gordon.
B. Coy., 1st Gordon Highlanders
Wood was a son of Mr and Mrs Wood, fisherman, Old Town, Stonehaven,
he was a farm servant, but in 1904 joined the Gordon Highlanders,
then being 21 years of age. He saw service in India and Egypt,
being made Lance-Corporal and Corporal. At the end of his
service he was employed in the post office Huntly, but on
the outbreak of war was recalled to the colours, and for a
time was engaged drilling recruits at Aberdeen, when he was
made Sergeant. He left the city for the front on December
17 last. Much sympathy will be for his parents, who have other
two sons in the 7th Battalion Gordon Highlanders, and a son-in-law
in the R.F.A. in Aberdeen.

Moses's parents George and Elizabeth Wood
Date Mar 12th
County Wars
Man Killed
The news has been received in Stonehaven that Sergeant M. Wood of
the 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders, was killed at the front on 26th
February. This first intimation was received by Rev. D. G. Barron,
M. A. Parish minister of Dunnottar, who received the letter (from
Major W. Baird, commanding the Gordon Highlanders son of Sir Alexander
Baird of Urie) Major Baird's letter contained the following:-
Sergeant Wood
was in the trenches with his company and was struck in the forehead
with a rifle bullet just as he was getting out of a dug-out. The poor
fellow was killed instantaneously, and suffered no pain. I would be
so glad if you would find his father and tell him how deeply grieved
I am at the loss of his son, who was a gallant man and a good soldier.
Subsequently the following letter was received by the deceased's father
from a comrade of his son:-
"I very
much regret to tell you that your son, No. 9630, Sergeant M. Wood,
was killed in action on the 26th February while the Battalion was
on duty in the trenches. He was shot through the head by a rifle bullet,
and died about 15 minutes later. He was quite unconscious from the
moment he was hit.
Your son was an excellent non-commissioned officer, and I very much
regret losing him. Please accept my deepest sympathy."
Sergeant Wood,
who was well known in the Stonehaven district, was with his regiment
in Egypt and India. After serving his time in the Army he was employed
as a postman in the Kennethmont district, where he was exceedingly
popular. He was unmarried, and is the first Stonehaven man to be killed
in action.