The Memorial to the 6th Batt (Banffshire & Donside) Gordon Highlanders at Keith


May 2009
The text on the memorial base reads
6th Batts The Gordon Highlanders
Banffshire and Donside
To the Glory of God
in memory of the officers
non commissioned officers and men
who fell in The Great War
also those who fell
in The Second Great War
Let those who come after see to it
that their names be not forgotten
Batt Memorial unveiled 11th Nov 1923

main ceremony for the formal opening of the 6th Batt memorial, and
the Parish of Keith Memorial in front of it, took place on Armistice
Day 1923 in Keith parish church. Following the service the memorials
were unveiled and dedicated.
taken from the Banffshire Herald
"Boy scouts and girl guides took up a position in front
of the memorials, the Gordons took up a position on the left of the
memorials, while pipers went inside the enclosure. At the corners
of the two memorials were Gordons, standing with arms reversed. The
Duke of Richmond stepped forward and pronounced the dedicatory and
thanksgiving prayer, which was followed by the lament "The Flowers
of the Forest" by the battalion pipers. The "Last Post"
was then sounded. The Duke and others laid wreaths and the ceremony
concluded with the singing of the national anthem, the dedication
by Rev Mathew Stewart and the sounding of reveille "

The Battle Honours of the 6th Gordon Highlanders.